2800 Whaleback
Base Price w/o Power: $170,500.00*
Standard Features
Fuel Instrumentation
200 Gallon Fuel Capacity
Dual Batteries With Main Switch
1500 GPH Bilge Pump Aft and Auto 1500 GPH Bilge Pump Forward
Stainless 30" Bow RailForward
Stainless Hardtop Rail With Side Grabs and 8" Spring Cleats (Pair)
Stainless Steel Hawse Pipes
Pedestal Helm Seat
Windshield Wiper (3 Each)
Bomar Hatch on Cuddy
V Berth Bunk Cushions and Mildew Resistant Bulkhead Carpet
Cabin Lights
Sink and 10 Gallon Fresh Water Tank
Power Options: I/O diesel or Outboard(s)

Note the upgraded tinted windows. Adds a huge "wow" factor.

We build many boats for police, fire, and search and rescue.

Large fishing deck.

2800 Walkaround

Plenty of space to move around the cabin.

Large deck space with tall stainless steel rails to keep you and your passengers secure.

Enclosed back for added protection against the elements, and to keep you warm when the heater is on.

Dashboard inside this customers Farallon One can customize their layout however they would like.

Windless anchor and rope locker.

Rocket launchers capable of holding 8 rods.

Base Price w/o Power: $150,600.00 *
Standard Features:
Fuel Instrumentation
200 Gallon Fuel Capacity
Dual Batteries with Main Switch
1500 GP Aft and 1500 GP forward Bilge Pump
Electric Horn
Slip Resistant Self Bailing Work Decks w/ Scuppers
Rope Locker with Overboard Drain
International Rule Navigation Lights
Pilot House Safety Glass
Comfortable Seating for Four with Storage Compartments
“V” Berth with Lighting and Storage
Cabin Lights
Stainless Deck Hardware (including hand grabs, latches)
Stainless Steel Stern and Bow Rails
Polished Stainless Hardtop Rail
Mildew Resistant Overhead Bulkhead Carpet
Windshield Wiper (2)
Side Sliding Windows
Halogen Aft Deck Work Light
Stainless Steel Hawse Pipes
Under Deck Fish Box with Macerator Pump
Raw Water Wash Down Pump and Hose
Power Options: I/O, Outboard(s)
Our 28 foot model comes in both whaleback and walkaround styles. Whaleback offers a full back deck along with a huge side to side cabin. The walkaround model offers same deck space but has the ability to walk completely around to the bow on both sides. We have gone through multiple designs to find the perfect compromise between 360 degree fishing and comfortable cabin space. The 28 ft model is perfect for all types of fishing and ocean activities. We have an array of customers that are commercial, charter captains, or just your everyday angler. Because we customize our boats for you, we are sure it will fit your needs.